Monday, July 16, 2012

Scavenger Hunt

Yesterday, I was a bit bored, and thought about going for a walk. Not very exciting, I know, but it's what I do. However, as I was leaving, I had the idea to include my friends by making it a scavenger hunt! I text some of my friends, informing them of what I was doing, and to send me an object to find on my walk. I then agreed to send pics as proof of finding the object. I have great friends, and so my hunt list became: A purple flower, a car with a sun visor in the window, a hipster, statuary, a Prius, wasted food, a bird pooping on a car, a manly blue truck, a license plate with the #7 in it, a man in white sunglasses, a woman in clothing that was too small, a bee hive, a car on cinder blocks, a nice car parked in front of a poor house, a house with plumbing equipment in the front yard, and a garden gnome.
Here are my finds!

I could not find a garden gnome, or a man in white sunglasses, and at the time I was walking, I refused to go to the neighborhoods where I could find the others. All in all, I think this was a great add on to my walk!

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