Friday, October 12, 2012

A little crazy

Need to find gigs...going crazy from not being in front of a camera...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

CULL Film Trailer

This is a trailer for one of the movies I worked on last year! So exited!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I truly wish that people would remember that each and everyone of us is deserving of love, and that we all have an indisputable right to happiness.
The world would be such a better place.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Scavenger Hunt

Yesterday, I was a bit bored, and thought about going for a walk. Not very exciting, I know, but it's what I do. However, as I was leaving, I had the idea to include my friends by making it a scavenger hunt! I text some of my friends, informing them of what I was doing, and to send me an object to find on my walk. I then agreed to send pics as proof of finding the object. I have great friends, and so my hunt list became: A purple flower, a car with a sun visor in the window, a hipster, statuary, a Prius, wasted food, a bird pooping on a car, a manly blue truck, a license plate with the #7 in it, a man in white sunglasses, a woman in clothing that was too small, a bee hive, a car on cinder blocks, a nice car parked in front of a poor house, a house with plumbing equipment in the front yard, and a garden gnome.
Here are my finds!

I could not find a garden gnome, or a man in white sunglasses, and at the time I was walking, I refused to go to the neighborhoods where I could find the others. All in all, I think this was a great add on to my walk!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Pride in Work

I haven't always been the hardest worker, nor the best, but when I do, I take a certain amount of pride in my work. I've recently been reviewing some of my past jobs, and what I did while I was there. The one that has caught my attention the most was when I was a Partnership Developer at Plattform Advertising, specifically on the Self Growth Engine. For those that remember, that was the project that encouraged me to truly pursue an acting career.
Out of nostalgia I went and checked on the website to see how it has progressed in my absence. To my dismay, it has not. I can not find any articles added after I was let go (Dec. 2010). The only new content seems to be comments posted by scammers to drive traffic to completely unrelated websites. They do this in order to make their websites look like they have more people posting links, which makes Google think they are more popular than they really are.
I know that I have no real reason to be upset about this. But I put a lot of hard work and research into that project. So seeing it abandoned, and left to the whims of unethical spam companies hurts a little. That website had a great potential to help so many people, and now it's being used like a $5 whore in a frat house!
Sorry about the vulgarity, but it bothers me to see something that held such pride for me in that state of disuse.
If I could, I'd by that property, and fix it.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

To Be A Kid Again

It's funny, I was just thinking about all the things I would do if I had just one day to be a kid again. I thought that with no worries, or adult concerns, I would play make believe, or go on an adventure through the magical woods, ride bikes, our create some new game with my friends. But once I thought about it, I realized that I would not truly cherish those childhood activities. What I truly miss, and would spend my whole day doing, is being held by my mother. That one simple thing is what I miss most about being a child. Just having my mom wrap me up in a great big hug, and holding me close, always made me feel like nothing else mattered. That I would be safe. That the world was a great place to be a part of.
Oh the things we realize as adults.