Monday, December 21, 2009

What Do You Think

I realize I can get some pretty good suggestions from everyone who reads my random thoughts, so here is my current request. I am looking into innovative career opportunities, something new, different, and might allow me to explore my more adventurous side, and I'm open to suggestions.

What I would like, is if you have heard of someone having an amazing career (working on a cruise line, something not normal) share it with me. If you happen to know a site where I can get more information, share that as well. I'm just kind of running out of ideas of what to look for, so I'm turning to you for some... what should I do in the meantime of becoming an actor?


  1. Don't know them personally, but Shana is part of a Belly Dancing Troupe in Topeka. They mix Traditional with Modern (one lady has a routine with the song "One Night in Bangkok" and now it's stuck in my head :P). Being the instructor or member of such a group came to mind after reading this :D

  2. I have been thinking about your question of direction. I suggest you make a list of your goals and passions, and know why they are on your list. For my example, I never knew till the "first day of the rest of my life" that I would raise my children single handedly. Ok not singlehandedly-it takes a village-but you know what I mean. But I had made the decision long before I even was married to be the best mother I could be above all else. My children were/are my passion. All my "jobs" were to support my "career" as a parent. All were lower paying jobs, and many money stresses remain to this day, but I am happy with myself and what I have accomplished.
    So what are your passions? Finishing school, acting, those two combined? A career in marketing? A family? Living in a certain place? Or Chris's recommendation of belly dancing?
    Let's say your passion is to live in New York, no matter what the job-then forgo buying a car and save for a plane ticket and rent deposit. Or a career in marketing is your passion- go back to school and turn your degree that way. Or settling down with Mrs Right means far more than any job - time to start house hunting maybe.
    Think with your heart as well as your head. But my advice is to follow your heart. Basically, on the First Day of the Rest of your Life the SKY is the limit! How exciting!

  3. My boyfriend's uncle teaches people how to sky-dive. Now THAT sounds like you.

    Listen to Marmee, Laurie. Your heart will lead you to places where you will be happy. Your head might get the bills paid, but happiness is what this life is all about.

    How about helping me open that bookstore?
    I love you,
    Your Faithful,


Your comments and feedback are not only welcome but appreciated!