Friday, October 9, 2009

What's In a Name

I need everyone's help! In my last class of my first 4 class series, my instructors Jill and Brian talked with me about head shots, resume, and the things I need to start looking at to attract an agent. One of the things I had not yet considered is how I am going to Brand myself, in other words, what name am I going to use. I would love nothing more than to be known as Mike Davis, it's me, it's who I am, but I'm not alone. There are over 15,000 Mike Davis in the United States, about 2,500 of them have the middle name Robert. Even worse, there are hundreds of them listed in IMDB for acting and acting related careers. What does this mean, it means branding myself as Mike Davis is a BAD IDEA! So here is my challenge, what name do I want to go by? Do I want something similar to my real name, or do I want to create a whole new identity? I've also thought of using versions of my Ancestry names: Jones, Hancock, Strauss, Lowery.
This is where I need your help! I need ideas and votes. Below is a list of names that have been suggested, one of them is the name I'm leaning towards, but I'm not telling you which one it is. Currently the only way I can get this is if you respond in a comment below, so PLEASE leave your vote. If you don't like any of these, vote for other, and leave a suggestion so others can see it! Please leave any feedback you wish to share.

  1. Jonsi Michels
  2. Davis Hancock
  3. Laurence 'Laurie' Michels
  4. Mike Davesse
  5. Davis Michels
  6. Other ___________


  1. Of the names you posted, I have to say I like "Davis Michels" the most. I agree with your post that I would personally want my own name with me unchanged. However, I can see the struggle with so many people out there with the same name. That being the case, I think "Davis Michels" would be the next best fit. You are really keeping your name...just in a different order.

    Any other suggestion I might have is if you want to add a little personal (secret) touch to your name. An example might be putting your favorite place growing up in your name like "Michael Houston". Or something else if you wanted to make it a little more different. Another such example would be something you always want or a general favorite. For instance, I'm addicted to Chocolate Covered Cherries and loved eating Mon CherĂ­ Ferraro cherries filled with whiskey while I was in Europe, so I might chose, [First Name] Ferraro. An anagram might be a good option to play around with if you throw in your middle name.

    Long story short, I like Davis Michels the best.

  2. How bout Namesy McNamowitz (from MP)

  3. I like Davis Michels the best. But you know me, love, I chose my very own name (Gabi) and then chose the last name of my first love. There are a lot of ways to keep your identity and still go by a different name. I'm still Christine. But Gabi looks sooo much better in print!

    Anyway, I like Davis Michels.

  4. I think you should go by Lysander(XANDER)Davis OR Lysander(XANDER)Michaels...because it fits you so you already can respond to that name...Teeheehee...LOVE~Your Favorite Soon To Be Sister In Law From Last Year LOL

  5. I love Davis Hancock!! Which of course means you won't use it but that is my vote.
    I also like the suggestion of Lysander(xander) Davis. I guess I am not being much help am I.
    Waiting to hear what you are leaning towards......

  6. I liked the name Davis Michels before I read it. How about davis xander

  7. How about Michael Sivad which is Davis backwards, or Sivaad.
    Bob LeRoy.

  8. I think Davis Hancock is the most striking of the names you posted. It Looks and sounds the most natural as well but is still different enough that it would standout.

  9. Davis Hancock jumps out the most at me personally followed by Davis Michels...I like the name Davis...all are good choices..I just like those the best :) -Kelly(Georgia)

  10. What about adding those together:
    Davis Michael Hancock?

  11. I like Davis Michels best. Its a bit unusual, without being fake.

  12. I like Mike Davesse!

    -Nathan Cerny

  13. Syn here. I think it should be umm . . . Apollo . . . Apollo Davis. Then we could call you A.D. :)

    No seriously. Even though I really do like the suggestion. Jonsi Michels, no you don't look like a Jonsi. Besides it sounds like a stoner name. Even though it would be a nice advertising gimmick. You know like . . . I got the Jons . . . or you make me Jons. You get the pic. Next up is Davis Hancock. Hello, sounds like a porn star. Unless that is the kinda acting you want to do . . . in that case, I choose that one! lol. Then we have Laurie. Seriously? That's a little queer sounding. Which, once again if that is the kinda work you are looking for then I say go for it:) Thirdly, we have . . . Mike Davesse. Um no. Is this a real surname? Curious as I am to the answer I have to say No. And finally we have Davis Michels. If you are not going to take my first, however humorous suggestion then this I the ONE that gets my vote! You look like a Davis. You look like a Michels. And technically you ARE. I think it would be easiest to getting use to responding to this name. And I am I fan of last names being used as first names. Especially for guys. It is not something that is used too commonly.

    So there ya go . . . my more than .02:) Your welcome and remember us little people when you are famous Mr. Davis Michels!


  14. Michael Davis Strauss is beautiful I think. =]

    Or Michael Laurence Strauss.

    I think Strauss is a beautifully strong name.

  15. Davis Michels (!!)- It's not too 'out there'... it's keepin it real, but most importantly, I compared the photo of you underneath to each of the names, and that is the one that seems most fitting. When I envision credits rolling, it's what I see.
    Also, Davis isn't a common first name. It's a name people can "get" on a concious and subconcious level, But it's unique. (Also like the spelling of Michels) "Uniquely familiar".

    However, Strauss is nice- probably more so if you're leaning more Broadway/in-theatre type of acting and planning on sticking with that genre.

    I'd avoid using 3 names that all end in the "s" sound following similar vowel sounds. Sounds corny.. and fake.

    Put my vote Overwhelmingly in for Davis Michels.

    Best o luck to ya! You're wonderful and are going to go some freakin awesome places w/ your skillllzzzz and your life.


  16. After reading other posts...I still lean towards my is an interesting it is I like it...LOVE~Your Favorite Soon To Be Sister In Law From Last Year

  17. I'm for Davis Michael Hancock, or, since y'know how much I'm into initials, hows about Davis M. Hancock or even Davis H. Michaels ?


  18. Davis Michaels or Davis Michael "Something" - would be my pick. Then when people are calling you Davis - it won't be strange. It is already your last name and I am sure some people call you that now anyway. I wish you the best of luck with this life path. I know you can do it!!! I miss you by the way - hopefully we can hang out again before you are famous - LOL! Love & Hugs, Candace.

  19. I like Davis Michaels, but I'm curious, can those of us who "knew you when" still call you Mike? :)

    Good luck, and much love,

  20. I know I don't know you all that well Mike, but I think Davis Michels sounds the best. It's not corny, and it does sound natural.

    Break a leg, I only wish i'd had the drive to continue with theater myself. I do miss it.


  21. I agree, I like Davis Michels. I like Lawrence, but not Laurie. And i think Strauss rocks too! so any combination of those I think would suit you to a tee! :)


  22. I am going with Davis Michels. I don't think Mike Davis is bad or too generic either.

  23. What about some kind of combo like Lawrence Davis Hancock? Although I think you should take combo's of names you like and look up and see how many people have that name. You can go to to find that out.

  24. I think I like Davis Michael Strauss, or Davis M. Strauss the best, but Davis Michel is good too! Can I still call you Mikey? lol!
    miss you!

  25. I like Mike Davesse, it keeps your real name, but adds flair to it! And even slighty change the first name if you still don't like Mike. Like Michael, of Micah... something similar and stuff different. I have seen this alot in Hollywood and the like... Just change the spelling and make you stand out. It also keeps people guessing on how to pronounce it!!
    Best of luck!!

  26. Use Michael Davis. It's a great name! :D You're gorgeous, so they will notice your headshot and your name will be easy to remember.

  27. I like adding them together, Davis Michael Handcock or Davis Handcock Michael might work, something that stands out, just like you bro, good luck wiht that. Boy Wonder

  28. hmmm, I'd like it if you kept your first name, so that we can keep calling you Mike, but I like the last name Hancock. Very historical.

  29. I like #3 the best, something about calling you Laurie just sounds fun. Also Laurence to feels like it is distinguished and worth saying.


  30. Mike,
    I like Davis Strass Michaels. You have a great combination of things that creates that strong image of what I always think about in you. A rose will not smell any sweeter by the name but a name will define you and when you get to far out there with spellings and sounds you can lose the audience when they say huh girl or boy or how do you say that. Also you present a good distiguished sound that makes you sound where you come from--Kansas City not somewhere overseas. Good luck in everything.

  31. Davis Michels. I love the idea of Laurie but it's very feminine. So Davis Michels.


  32. Davis Xander Michaels - rolls off the tongue nicely so when they announce it at awards shows it'll sound really good! I like throwing in the Xander because Davis and Micahels alone are fairly common but all three together create a unique yet strong and sturdy name that can last the generations. You'll go down in history this way so keep in mind the need to appeal to broad audiences.

    Also, the D in Davis and the d in Xander combined with the s on the end of Davis and Michaels creates continuity in the name and makes it easy to say aloud and read in type. Also consider syllables, Davis Xander Michaels - each name has two syllables and a total of 6. that's good - not too short and not so long it's a pain in the ass to say.

    For example, we're expecting our first child in May and for a boy (we hope) we like Gabriel Gray Lewellen - the multiple G's and l's sound nice together and with a 3 syllable first and last name the middle has to be short. We've been reading a lot of baby name books so just some tips I picked up recently. Good Luck reinventing yourself - love you as you are Mikey! :) -Jessica Lewellen (aka-Yarmo)

  33. From Yale:

    Xander Davesse

  34. I've read the list and all the suggestions. Here are my thoughts:

    I like Davis Micheal Hancock... it rolls nicely. Michael Xander Davis also has a nice sound :)

  35. I was going to cast my vote as Davis Michels, and it looks like I'm not alone. Best of luck!

  36. Davis Michels sounds AWESOME. But I'm a little concerned that the pronunciation for "Michels" will be a little weird. Maybe you should try changing the spelling? I had an acting teacher in high school who spelled his name "Mykel," for example. BEST OF LUCK YOU ARE AWESOME!

  37. I like Davis Michels. I also really like the suggestion of using Xander Davis or Xander Michels.

    - Becca


Your comments and feedback are not only welcome but appreciated!