Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

A few years ago I made a New Year's resolution to never have to make another New Years resolution. Most people take this to mean that I just don't want to make them, but that's not what it is. What I decided at that time was that I no longer wanted to live a life style that involved things that would need a New Years resolution to get rid of. I wanted to live a life where everyday I try to be better, to improve something, to constantly be making positive changes in my life.

I think I've done a rather good job of it so far. I've made quite a few very significant changes and some minor ones as well. It has come to the First of January, 2010, and everyone is making their New Year's resolutions, and happily, I do not feel the need to make one. This is not to say that I do not approve of resolutions, but that I have stuck to one that I made a number of years ago. In fact, I would really like to know what your New Years Resolution for 2010 is, or, if you didn't make one, then why?


  1. Resolutions are overrated. People want an excuse to make goals for themselves, but in my opinion, resolutions often set people up for failure. People should not have to wait until the first of every year to better themselves.

  2. I too made the commitment to not get into a situation that would require a once a year resolution. I still have a few vices tho- my mom's toffee apparrantly ;^) and the whole food vs weight issue will continue to be a battle.

  3. I'm going to live this year as though it may be my last, love fully, drink deeply and embrace every moment.


Your comments and feedback are not only welcome but appreciated!