Sunday, January 24, 2010

Acting Needs: An Agent

Though I have not been posting much on my acting career, I am slowly but surely working towards my goal. On Thursday I had an interview with The Agency to be considered for representation! The interview ended with me being told they would love to represent me, and I have a contract in my hand waiting for my signature. One signing of my name is all it will hesitation, this changes everything. Really it kind of scares me, and I'm a little intimidated by the thought.

I've been thinking a lot about it, and I didn't quite realize the things I might have to give up to pursue this dream of mine. Thinking ahead, can I justify auditioning for things like Renaissance Festival and community theatre when it would limit my availability for paying gigs (which will be my primary source of income)? If this is the career I want to follow, then it will be a part of my job to make myself ready for an audition at the drop of a hat. I see now the separation this will put between my acting friends and I. While they are all getting ready for a number of auditions (Renaissance Festival, musicals, plays), I stand by kind of saddened by the fact that I'm not going to be joining some of my best friends

At the start of this blog my main concern had been in having a corporate job and the strictures of that lifestyle as well as leaving it behind with the benefits it offered. Being laid-off made that decision for me, and I am a little thankful for that. However, this time the decision to change another part of my life for this dream is completely in my hands.

Once again I find myself standing on the precipice of an infinite plane of possibilities. All I need to do is to pick a direction and take a step. All things are possible from here.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Check this out!!

Hey guys, Jess found this on stumble... totally check it out!

"You can't be a pirate if you don't have beard. I said so. MY boat, MY rules"

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Gonna Be a Good Year!

Third day of the year, 2nd post, I think it's going to be a good year. I just had to get on and update everyone. Back on December 5th, 2009, I auditioned for a short film and after not hearing from anyone for the whole month I was convinced that I just wasn't what they were looking for. Then on New Year's Eve I get a text message from the director asking if I could do a call back reading. Of course I was stoked! We met at the West Port Coffee House yesterday, and I read for the Lead Male role "Derrick" with Mandy who is the Lead Female "Eiley". The call back lasted for 2 and a half hours (most of this was us just talking and laughing our butts off) and at the end I was told that I would be getting a phone call to let me know what they decide.
The news...
I got the Part!!!!!
I've already read the entire script, and I love it. The movie is titled "The Truth about Why" and it is kind of a self growth, self disscovery type film.
Also, I am calling The Agency on the 5th to set up an interview because they are possibly interested in representing me! So I might have an Agent soon! I'll keep everyone updated! This is looking like a great year!
*Also, I'd still like to know what everyone's New Year's Resolutions are, or why you didn't make one!!*

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

A few years ago I made a New Year's resolution to never have to make another New Years resolution. Most people take this to mean that I just don't want to make them, but that's not what it is. What I decided at that time was that I no longer wanted to live a life style that involved things that would need a New Years resolution to get rid of. I wanted to live a life where everyday I try to be better, to improve something, to constantly be making positive changes in my life.

I think I've done a rather good job of it so far. I've made quite a few very significant changes and some minor ones as well. It has come to the First of January, 2010, and everyone is making their New Year's resolutions, and happily, I do not feel the need to make one. This is not to say that I do not approve of resolutions, but that I have stuck to one that I made a number of years ago. In fact, I would really like to know what your New Years Resolution for 2010 is, or, if you didn't make one, then why?