Well I had a busy 3 day weekend, relaxing, fun, but busy. This is going to be a long Post, just warning you!
On Saturday I went out to opening day at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival, and had a marvelous time. This was a little awkward for me however. It was the first time I had been out there not performing since the fall of 2004. Heck, I even went so far as to go in Jeans and a T-Shirt, and walked around with a plastic cup full of alcohol. Jake and I called this our “date” as both of our girlfriends are a part of Festival, and we’re not. We watched the Gypsy Girls “Troupe Mystique” first thing, followed by the Gypsy Boys “The Kumpania Boleyn”. Both shows were very well done, and I have to say Bailee looked beautiful up there on stage in her gypsy costume! (Yes Cody, so did you but I prefer Bailee by quite a bit!)

(Bailee as Natasha Artiene)
We then walked around for a bit, sat in and watched “John Mallory and Family”, then got more to drink. After a rather disappointing Parade, we ended up going to the “Fabulous Feaste of Fooles” for the Murder Mystery lunch, and my answer got chosen for the stupidest answer they’d heard (which is what I was going for). The show was hilarious, and the food was delicious, I highly recommend it (if you have the money to spare)! After Feaste I met up with Madame Red and her lovely working wenches, and they escorted me to the Chess Match and made me the envy of every man there.

(Azure and Madame Red)
Chess Match was a little ruff, the dialogue was excellent, but being opening day the fights still needed to be tightened up and made believable. Jake and I then caught the Faerie Dance at the Maypole, they danced so well, and I loved that they let the kids join them. Oh, and Noland, you looked beautiful too, and I bet you thought I wasn’t going to say anything. From here we headed went over to watch the Gypsy Showdown, Jake and I cheered very loudly for the Girls to come back whenever the boys were dancing (sorry guys!). The day ended with Last Huzzah and Gypsy Revel outside the gates. Overall, it was a beautiful day, everyone worked their butts off, and I think I can speak for all the patrons that we had fun. I admit, it was hard for me to not go up to random strangers to ask them how their day was and if they were enjoying themselves, and the hardest part was not approaching children to play with them, cause then I would have just been some Creepy McCreeper guy, and that’s just not cool!
Sunday was my second of three shoot days for Paragon the movie. This was a very simple shoot, we were only doing 1 scene, it had a total of 5 lines between 3 characters, and I had 2 of the 5 lines! *does a little happy dance* This really has been a different experience. There really is no rehearsal aside from running the scene a couple of times before filming (even that is filmed just in case), and it doesn't take a whole lot of time. Totally different from Theatre. Once we were done filming, we got everything set up and reviewed lines for the next scene. I then went shopping for my new costume for my gypsy character Apollo, and went home and created some new jewelry. Kind of a non action packed day (I need those sometimes).
Monday had me back out at the Renaissance Festival! I didn’t go out with anybody specific on Monday, but I ended up hanging out with a number of different people. I walked around mostly, looked in some shops, and hung out with Madame Red and her girls for a good part of the morning (they had me shirtless almost the whole time I was with them). I also got to watch the new “Bawdily Harm” show, which I have to say has the best fights I’ve seen at Festival so far. I caught the first scene of the Scenario “The Battle of the Bards”, I was so happy for Wendy as Marlow, she gets sword fights! I was then pulled up on stage to “audition” for the plays being done by the dueling bards (Romeo and Elspeth by Shakespeare, and César by Marlow), I made a right proper full of myself, I know who’d have guessed! I finally got to see a show by the “Washer Well Wenches”! For about 3 years now I have always told people to go see this show, and I’d never even seen it myself! Now I know why I always told people they needed to see it, I laughed so hard! I then met up with Bradford and Andy, we went and watched the “Royal Masque” being done by court this year. It was an all musical Masque with a good story, and was really well performed. I have to learn it because Prince Phillip cannot be there for 2 days in October, so I will be filling in for him (I couldn’t say no, Patrick couldn’t think of anyone else), so come see me the 3rd and 17th of October! Then I met up with Mandy and Allen, and we went to see Chess Match (much improved since Saturday), and then went to the “Royal Smoker”, no, I didn’t smoke, just drank. Oh, and Roger, if you’re reading this, please let them serve WoodChuck, I’ll buy a ticket if they get WoodChuck *does a sad and pathetic Oliver Twist voice*. The show was properly rude, crude, and completely adult! Then to end the day we went to Pub Sing, again, rude, crude, and completely adult! Loved it! If you can’t tell, on Monday, Bailee had to drive home.
So there you have it, my Labor Day Weekend. I hope you all had just as good a time as I did, if not more so. And if you haven’t gone yet, go to the Renaissance Festival! You’ll have fun, I know I did!